One of the questions I often get asked is where I get my designer handbags. I have to confess all of my designer bags are pre-owned. I have never paid full price for a high-end bag and I’m not sure that I ever will!
Designer bags tend to be great investments. While the initial purchase price is often hard to swallow (even for pre-owned items), the resale value and cost-per-use are great ways to justify the investment. Handbags are typically the best designer investment pieces based on their resale value and hey, you can even pass them down to future generations one day!
One of the best places to score a designer bag for less is through a designer consignment store. I have purchased bags through Hara and Co. and LXR & Co. in Beverly Hills. I loved being able to go into the store and inspect the bag before purchasing it (and also negotiate on price a little bit!). There’s also TheRealReal and FarFetch and even Shopbop has an assortment of pre-owned bags through What Goes Around Comes Around. These bags tend to be gently used and are authenticated so you don’t have to worry about them being fake. You can usually score a designer bag for 20-40% off original prices. My first designer bag was a Chanel from Hara and Co. that my lovely husband bought for me as a wedding present and I most recently purchased my Louis Vuitton from LXR & Co.
I also shop on eBay–which I know a lot of people get nervous about because there are so many fakes! Bags on eBay tend to be even cheaper than consignment stores since you are purchasing directly through the original owner, in most cases. Luckily, you can get help in verifying items for free through the Purse Forum. Just send them the link, pictures and details of a bag you are contemplating bidding on and they’ll let you know if they think it’s real or fake!
Happy shopping!
xo, Maria