Happy fall! Today’s officially the first day of the season and I hope you are all celebrating with a pumpkin spice latte in hand! Lately, I’ve been working on getting in better shape. I’ve been trying to eat healthier, but I won’t lie I have a major sweet tooth! Reducing sodium and my portion sizes are easier goals for me than cutting sweets and I usually feel better instantly when I make subtle changes in those areas.
In terms of working out, I workout three to five times per week even if it’s for only 20 minutes. Phil and I try to run a couple of miles every day during the week and a couple of days a week I also do a combination of squats, lunges, plank and crunches for about 15 minutes after our runs.
I love all of the workout inspiration on Pinterest. There are so many great workout routines. Here’s one that only takes 10 minutes. I’ve been trying to fit it in before I shower in the morning
My 10 Minute Workout
100 jumping jacks
10 push ups
20 squats
30 crunches
80 jumping jacks
10 pushups
20 squats
30 crunches
One thing that gets me excited about working out is new workout clothes. It’s silly, but I really do feel more motivated in a new outfit. I like to stick with neutrals and all black tends to be my go-to look.
xo, Maria
Outfit Details
Nike Top
Nike Pants
Nike Shoes
Carrera Sunglasses